Ways to pay my bill
Ways to pay my bill
The easiest way to manage your bills is through our online portal, My Icon Water.
What's My Icon Water?
My Icon Water is our online customer platform, giving you an easy way to manage your account 24/7.
You can nominate to have your bill via email; set up a direct debit for EvenPay or FullPay; pay with a credit card; track your usage; see previous bills; check your account balance; schedule payments; view your water usage history and view your historical accounts.
How do I sign up to My Icon Water?
If you’ve already provided your email to us you can simply create a log-in to get started. If not, you’ll need to phone us on 6248 3111 (choose option 2) to register and link an email to your account.
Your privacy is important to us and we’re committed to handling your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For details, please see our Privacy Policy.
Australia Post
You can pay your Icon Water accounts over the counter at any post office outlets; online using Postbillpay, or by telephone on 13 18 16.
By Mail
Post a cheque payable to ActewAGL Retail with the bottom tear away section of the printed bill to Locked Bag 465, GPO Canberra ACT 2601.
Centrepay is a free direct bill-paying service offered to customers receiving payments from Centrelink. Through Centrepay you can choose to pay your Icon Water accounts by having a regular amount deducted from your Centrelink payment. Contact your local Centrelink office to arrange automatic deductions.
Direct Debit
Automating your bill payments by direct debit makes it easy to pay your bills from your savings, cheque or credit card account, with the added bonus of a 5 cent per day discount on your Icon Water bill for all direct debit payments from a savings or cheque account. Sign up for Direct Debit by logging in to My Icon Water.
Direct debit options include:
Spread your bill payments out over the entire year based on your history and pay the same amount every month or fortnight. Every six months we’ll take another look to make sure your payments still cover your use and let you know if we recommend any changes.
How does this work? The annual total of your Icon Water account (including current account balance) is averaged out on a monthly or fortnightly basis and deducted from your nominated savings, cheque or credit card account.
For example, if your annual bills total $1,200 and you want your direct debit payments deducted monthly through EvenPay, you will potentially pay $100 each month. We will assess your account every six months and if your annual usage varies, we may re-calculate your payment amount and adjust your deductions accordingly and we’ll notify you in writing of the changed amount.
The full amount of your bill will be deducted on the day the payment is due – so no more worrying about overdue bills – you’ll still receive a copy of your invoice for your records.
BPAY is available through your financial institution. You will require the Icon Water biller code (192 922) and your account number. See our “understanding my bill” page for details on where this information can be located.
Pay by credit card. Call 1300 309 099 (24 hour service).
In Person
You can pay in person at our Mitchell Office. 12 Hoskins Street (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4.45pm).