Water Quality Monitoring Program
Icon Water provides over 100 million litres of treated water each day to over 163,000 customers. As the guardians of your water supply we take water quality very seriously.
To meet the recommendations of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011) and the Public Health (Drinking Water) Code of Practice (2007) we need to test our water where it is used most - your taps! We conduct a continual and comprehensive water quality monitoring program across our supply and distribution systems and use this data to verify water quality and monitor trends.
For more information look at the The Water Quality Monitoring Program factsheet or the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report.
What is the program?
Icon Water conducts a continual and comprehensive water quality monitoring program across its supply system, including the distribution system. Each month, customer tap sites selected from a random database are sampled and analysed for a variety of parameters to verify water quality across the network and monitor trends.
Why does Icon Water conduct the program?
We are required to analyse samples from across the network in order to comply with recommendations in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011) and the Drinking Water Code of Practice (2007).The collected information enables us to monitor and manage water quality within the system.
Who can participate in the program?
We invite owners of properties with a suitable front garden tap to participate in the Program. Participation is entirely voluntary - there are no consequences if you elect not to participate. You can opt out at any time by notifying us.
Is my property suitable?
Your property may be suitable if your front garden tap is:
- easily accessible and clear of bushes and other obstructions
- not serviced by a rainwater tank
- not in the immediate vicinity of pets, such as dogs
- not attached to an irrigation system or equipment that can’t be easily detached.
If you are willing to participate in the program, we’ll visit your property to verify whether the location and site conditions are suitable for the program.
What if my property is tenanted?
If you own a property that is tenanted, you may participate; however, you must inform your tenant and ensure that they are willing to allow the property to be included within the Program. If you are a tenant, please note that only the owner of the property may consent to participation.
What’s involved?
Your involvement is minimal. An Icon Water contractor will visit your premises 2 to 3 times per year, temporarily detach any tap fittings, run your front garden tap for about three minutes and then take samples. The contractor will leave your tap fittings as they found them. You are not required to be at home at the time of sampling and due to the random nature of the sampling process, we are unable to notify you ahead of time. The Icon Water contractor will leave a calling card acknowledging their visit. The entire process should take no more than a few minutes.
Who conducts the sampling?
Icon Water's contractor, ALS Global (ALS), conducts the testing on behalf of the organisation. All Icon Water contractors, including ALS, are required to carry photo ID and you have a right to ask for their ID before they access your premises.
What if I make changes to my property?
If there is a change of conditions on your property, for example renovations affecting access to the front garden tap, please let us know as soon as possible.
How is my personal information handled?
If you elect to participate, Icon Water will require certain information from you, namely the address of your property, the date that you elected to participate in the program and the name of the authorised person consenting to participation. This information will be used for the purpose of administering your participation in, and conducting, the program. Only your address will be disclosed to Icon Water contractor, ALS Global, for the purpose of them taking and analysing samples. Your personal information under this program will not be disclosed to any overseas recipient. Our privacy policy contains information about how you may access personal information held by us and seek correction. Our privacy policy also contains information about how you may raise any concerns you may have about the handling of your personal information.
Can I access the sampling results?
The results of individual samples taken at properties are not reported to Program participants. However, de-identified collated results are made publicly available within the Icon Water Annual Drinking Water Quality Report each October.
Is there any cost or payment involved?
The volume of water required for sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis is minimal (i.e. less than $2 per year) and participation in this program is voluntary. Your involvement in the program is greatly appreciated by Icon Water and helps contribute to the ongoing delivery of high quality drinking water to Canberra.
Who do I contact regarding the program?
If you wish to participate, withdraw from the program, notify us of changed conditions on your premises, or find out more, please contact the Water Quality team at WaterQuality@iconwater.com.au or Talk to Us on 6248 3111, option 3.