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Freedom of information

Icon Water Limited (Icon Water) is a Territory-owned corporation and complies with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2016 (the FOI Act 2016).

General inquiries and requests for access to documents held by Icon Water can be made:

By post to: 

The Company Secretary
Freedom of Information Requests
Icon Water Limited
PO Box 50

By email to: or by contacting Icon Water on 02 6248 3111.

Documents available without a Freedom of Information access application

Icon Water may be able to give you the documents you seek without requiring you to submit a formal FOI application. We encourage you to contact us prior to submitting a formal request to see if we can provide the information direct to you – reducing time and potential costs.

Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2016 Icon Water Limited is required to have a disclosure log listing Freedom of Information requests it receives. Details of requests for personal information are not required to be reported under the Act and therefore are not provided here.

The application, decision and any released documents can be viewed by clicking on the disclosure logs below:

Open Access Information

The Open Access Information Scheme (OAIS) is defined in Section 23 of the Freedom of Information Act 2016 (FOI Act).  Icon Water promotes a culture of openness and transparency with the goal of reducing the need for formal applications under the FOI Act.  We publish a range of information on our website.  If you cannot find the information you require, please contact us on