Service Contracts
Our organisation has a long history of arrangements with ActewAGL.
ActewAGL has historically provided corporate and customer services to Icon Water through the:
- Corporate Services Agreement (CSA) and the
- Customer Services and Community Support Agreement (CSCSA).
These agreements provided the support activities and services needed to run a utility.
In the lead up to the expiry of the CSA and the CSCSA on 30 June 2023, we initiated a program to assess ongoing service requirements and define our sourcing strategy.
The focus of the program is to ensure future arrangements provide service continuity, strategic control, alignment to future requirements and value for money for Icon Water. Development of a sourcing strategy has been completed and the program has moved into implementation with the provision of future services to be a combination of insourcing activities, hybrid arrangements and outsourcing.
We have entered into a new Retail Customer Service Agreement (RCSA) with ActewAGL which commenced on expiry of the CSCSA on 30 June 2023. The RCSA continues services related to meter reading, billing and related customer contact and accounts receivable and credit management.
The CSA expired on 30 June 2023, and following an agreement to extend the transition period, we are now working towards completing transition of all services under the CSA by October 2025.
Since expiry, several services have successfully transitioned to Icon water, and more are scheduled for transition over the remainder of 2024 and 2025. Due to the size, complexity and target timeframes of the transition being undertaken, there have been challenges coordinating and aligning the many service transition projects, existing system interfaces and activities. Icon Water has worked with ActewAGL and vendors to review and plan the service transition timeframes with a view to minimising consequential delays and impact on business operations.
To support the successful transition of these services a joint governance model has been developed and implemented including engaging strategic advisory services and engagement of Transition Program Management Office and Systems Integrator services to ensure the continued success of the transition program.