Our projects

Essential network maintenance in Turner, Curtin & Parkes
Icon Water is committed to ensuring the long-term performance and reliability of the wastewater network serving the Canberra community. As part of this commitment, our contractor, Interflow, will be carrying out essential maintenance work to enhance the network’s efficiency.

Red Hill Reservoir upgrade and repair
Our Red Hill reservoir provides water to Yarralumla, Forrest, Kingston, Narrabundah, Fyshwick and (of course) Red Hill. To ensure this facility continues to operate reliably and effectively, we need to conduct upgrades and repairs.

Uriarra non-drinking water pipeline replacement
We supply non-drinking water to Uriarra Village to be used for toilet flushing, laundry use, urban firefighting and other external uses.

Improving energy use with solar
Operating water and sewerage treatment infrastructure 24/7 to provide essential services to the community uses a lot of electricity. We’re in the process of delivering energy efficiency programs to reduce usage using solar at five different sites.

New Cotter Pump Station
We plan to construct a new Cotter Pump Station to meet the rising needs of a growing Canberra.

O'Connor Reservoir upgrade
The O'Connor Reservoir, located in the Bruce Ridge Nature Reserve, has been supplying North Canberrans with clean drinking water over the past 60 years. Like most reservoirs around Canberra, it ensures that water is supplied and water pressure is maintained, even during peak demand periods.

Our wastewater treatment process
Our wastewater treatment plant has served Canberra’s needs for decades, but some of our assets are aging and elements of the treatment process are nearing capacity. We have a responsibility to protect our environment and continue providing high-quality wastewater services to our community.

Sewer Main Renewal Program
Icon Water conducts an ongoing program to rehabilitate sewer mains that are about to reach the end of their service life or are at risk of blockage, so that our sewerage network can continue to reliably serve our community.

Mugga Reservoir Upgrade
The Mugga Reservoir is one of Canberra’s biggest water reservoirs. At full capacity, it holds over 45 million litres or more than 18 Olympic pools.

Belconnen Trunk Sewer Upgrade Projects
Icon Water is currently performing upgrades to the Belconnen trunk sewer. The Belconnen trunk sewer was built in the 1960s and is a critical part of the Belconnen sewerage network which serves Belconnen, Gungahlin and Hall.

Water Mains Renewal Program
The Water Mains Renewal Program aims to improve water quality and flow, and minimise the risk of water main failures, so Icon Water can continue to provide the highest quality and safest drinking water possible.

Lower Molonglo Solids Handling Project
The Lower Molonglo Solids Handling Project is based on the strategic assumption that the current practice of incineration of sewage solids, grit and screenings will continue.

North Weston Odour Control Project
The purpose of the project is to remove foul air from the existing sewerage infrastructure - the Molonglo Valley Interceptor Sewer - and disperse it to the atmosphere.