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Network protection compliance (NPC / building approval)

Before you start your proposed works

You must receive approved network protection compliance from us before you can start any proposed works. Before applying, please read our submission guides to ensure you have all the information you need.

Please remember, your building and renovation plans must be in line with our water supply and wastewater standards.

What happens if you build too close to our infrastructure or cause damage? ]

You must not interfere with our infrastructure, for example by blocking access or building too close.

Damaging or interfering with underground pipes is expensive, dangerous and may inconvenience you or your neighbours while we repair any damage caused.

We may also ask you to remove structures that block access so that maintenance or other activities, such as meter reading, can be carried out.

If you build a structure that is too close or interferes with our infrastructure, you may have to pay for it to be removed and you could also be fined up to $5,500.

These requirements are in place so our teams can safely access our infrastructure 24 hours a day and restore your services as quickly as possible, even during the night when it's wet and raining.

Do you have questions about our online submission process? You can find answers to our frequently asked questions here.

Please be aware: We are transitioning away from accepting network protection compliance (NPC) submissions through Evoenergy's building and development form.

You are now required to submit two (2) separate applications for all proposed works.


We’re always happy to help
For general enquiries, you can contact us directly at Our team will do their best to respond within 24 hours. 

If you need a bit more assistance, or just prefer talking to a person, 
you can call us on (02) 6248 3111 (select option 3).